Saturday, December 17, 2016

Rogue One: The Background Story

The most anticipated movie of the year hit the theaters this week:  Rogue One:  A Star Wars Story!! I was so excited to see this movie, and I know that many of you are, too!  We fell in love with Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker many years ago in that galaxy far, far away... And Rogue One is going to fill in a vital piece of that Saga, and get us right to the moment when Princess Leia beckons Her Only Hope!

If you want to know more about the background of the movie and what led up to the very desperate moments of Rogue One, here's how:

1.  Read Catalyst (Star Wars): A Rogue One Novel

Catalyst introduces us to the Erso family - genius scientist Galen, his wife Lyra, and their daughter Jyn.  The book is mostly focused on Galen and Lyra.  We learn of Galen's research and development of an energy source which we feel will surely lead to destruction!

This book is very easy to read, available in digital format and will give you some great background on Jyn and her Father!

2.  Watch The Clone Wars

The Clone Wars, Season 5, Episodes 2 - 5, introduces us to another great character in the upcoming Rogue One Movie:  Saw Gerrara.  You will learn how he and his sister got involved as Rebels, and why Saw is the battle hardened character that he is today.

I loved watching the Clone Wars, and was eager to rewatch these episodes.  However, you can catch the episodes without binge-watching on the whole series:  they can stand on their own and are easy to find on Netflix!

3.  Watch Star Wars Rebels 

The animated series, Star Wars Rebels, and the film, Rogue One, are living side by side.  We are just a couple years behind Rogue One in the Rebels Series, with a lot of galactic details emerging in Star Wars Rebels.  Rebels is very important because you get to know the building crisis that leads up to Rouge One.  I saw many familiar cameos of the Rebels in Rogue One, too: from the way the Rebels fought, to recognizable characters, monuments and equipment.

You can catch up on Star Wars Rebels on Disney XD, you just need a cable/satellite provider, or order the DVDs from Netflix.

Star Wars is a story that can touch everyone.  It's not science fiction, it's not a fairy tale, it's a saga of real struggles and people trying to survive:  and we can all relate to that!

I will be seeing Rogue One many more times to catch all the Catalyst, Clone Wars and Rebels discoveries!  I saw so many new characters that I fell in love with, and I saw many new cosplay and running costumes :)  stay tuned for those!

Let me know what you think and how you love the movie!

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